Your first Year 4 homework


Now you have your new ZPD I would like you to read for 20 minutes every day in Year 4. Make it a real priority!

Homework books

As usual, please back your books in something that reflects your personality - you can use stickers, wrapping paper, photos anything you like but please make sure we can see your name on the front.

Purple Mash

We have an exciting new program which can be done on any device or computer - purple mash You have had a go in class. I have stuck your username and password in your new homework books.

This week I would like you to log in (click link below) and CREATE YOUR AVATAR. You do this by clicking on the silhouette of a person by your name. It can be whatever you like!

Your second task is in your 2DOs list (in red at the top) You need to complete the 2DO ‘When I grow up,’ so that Mrs Lyons can find out more about your ambitions. Dont worry if you are not sure yet, (its not necessary to be sure at age 8!!) just think about what you might like to be and tell me why.

I hope you enjoy it!