What a wonderful start to our new school year.


Week One.

It was wonderful seeing everyone bounce back into school after the summer holidays. We looked a little taller and very smart in out new uniforms. Eager to swap stories of the summer and find out what our friends had been up to.

We soon settled back into the swing of things and have found it easy to jump back into our school way of life, taking every opportunity we can.

In Art…

Lots of questions have been asked about topics to be covered and hopes of topics seen by past year groups. Most classes have now been invited to put their name forward for Art Club and when all classes have been through the Create room, we will start the week after next. The walls in the Create room are filling with beautiful hearts drawn by every child and looks amazing, year one, three and four will add to the display next week.


Have a great weekend and hopefully a little sunshine.

God bless.

Mrs Curtis