"You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream" C.S Lewis

Welcome to Year 5!

It has been a joy to teach your children this week, they have returned to school ready to learn!

We have leaped straight into the learning! Our first few lessons focused on Ancient Greece. We have listened to a story explaining the “birth of the Gods” and we have read a factual book all about Ancient Greek life. Of course we complete some geography too- exploring Greece’s location, climate and physical features. Please ask your child what democracy means and also the word narcissistic- our two Greek words of the week! I have managed to test the children’s reading too and we have new ZPDs and reading books from the library. In maths we started with place value- the rock on which all understanding in number is built! Luckily this week, we had art (every Wednesday) and we dived into our first art skill- drawing. On Thursday we joined the rest of the community at church and we said thank you for our friends, families and school. Finally on Friday we played rugby, then explored the big bang theory in RE then back to maths, we finished with a worship and class council- you can’t say a teachers day isn’t FUN! During council we all chose a new classroom “job”- its good to share the running of the classroom with the children. I just need two new class Councillors to run the class council each week - we’ll sort this out next Tuesday!

I have awarded certificates this go to: Kyla and Daisy! Well done

I have taken pictures this week some cracking ones of the children trying (successfully) to build a tallest tower they could using ten straws and some masking tape. This was all part of a lesson on partnership and a class vision. As soon as I have you photo permission slip back form the induction evening I’ll post them- along with our class vision!

Reminders for next week:

PE Monday and Friday

Monday - FLUTE- there are 6 children continuing with lessons they start on Monday- please bring flute

Induction evening Wednesday 6pm in Year 5- I’m looking forward to meeting with you all.

Please check the sports page on ENGAGE as all the football netball and athletics info is to be found here.

Our Assembly is on Tuesday 1 Oct- date for diary!