"You will never regret being brave"

What an absolutely amazing start the children have had to their Year 2 journey. It was a joy to see so many smiling, excited faces eagerly waiting for me to open the door to the classroom on Tuesday morning. I can’t believe just how quickly the children have settled into their new surroundings and how well they have taken to their new routine - it’s like they’ve been here forever! Whilst enjoying getting to know one another, the children have also blown me away with how well they listen to and follow instructions, and just how independent they are. They have also wowed me with their maths and English knowledge, retelling the story of ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ tremendously with their story actions and correcting my mistakes whilst making numbers using tens and ones.

I truly cannot wait to see what this year has in store - we certainly have a class filled with enthusiastic and energetic learners.

Thank you to parents and carers too, who have been so patient with me at the door whilst I’ve been getting to know faces.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly

Let’s Celebrate

Year 2 were very excited to learn that we were welcoming a new face to our class team this week. Charlie, the children, Mrs Connolly and myself have loved getting to know you this week. You have come to school each morning with a huge smile on your face and have spoken so kindly and politely to everyone you have met. You are so full of enthusiasm and energy and have fit in seamlessly. It’s like you have been part of the class team forever! Well done Charlie, you have been awarded the ‘Be Co-operative Roger Robin’ certificate this week.

Connor was awarded the ‘Keep Concentrating Cooper Crab’ certificate this week. Connor, since stepping through the door on Tuesday morning, you have listened so carefully to both your peers and myself and have shown so much focus in everything you have done. It has been a joy to see your smiling face when you have shared the work you have completed proudly with everyone. Keep it up Connor!


PE days are Monday (outdoor), Tuesday (indoor) and Wednesday (yoga). Please ensure that your child has the correct kit with them on these days, including shorts either in trays or underneath tracksuit bottoms for indoor and yoga. Thank you.

KS1 Induction Evening is on Wednesday 18th September at 6pm. This is a chance for you to see your child’s new classroom, get to know both Mrs Connolly and myself, and to discover all about the exciting year of learning ahead. I am looking forward to seeing you all there.