Year 2 Home Learning - 6.9.19

This week the children have been given their new home learning books and folders. They have both books and folders as sometimes the children may be given sheets to complete which can either be stuck into their books or placed into the folder. Other weeks the children may be asked to complete something in their books.

This week, please could the children back their books in order to protect them whilst being carried home and back to school each week. This can be done using wrapping paper, sticky back plastic, newspaper - what ever you fancy. It would be brilliant if the children could decorate their books and folders to make them unique to them - please do remember names on these too.

On the first page in the home learning books, it would them be great if your child could draw or write about the different people in their families. This can include siblings, aunties and uncles, grandparents, carers, and even pets! This will then help us when your child talks to us about different people in class.

Finally, we are in the process of completing different reading assessments with your children in order to ensure that they come home with the correct reading book for their level. As the children don’t yet have a reading book, please do read, read and read as much as you can at home.

Thank you

Miss Woodend