"Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen"

The children have truly blown me away by how focused and enthusiastic they have been this week. The class has been buzzing with ‘Bobby Bees’ and everyone has completed so much superb learning because of this! In maths lessons we continued to look at equal groups and repeated addition for multiplication and then the children were introduced to the multiplication sign on Thursday. I can’t quite believe just how much learning is taking place during our maths sessions and the fantastic mathematical conversations we are having within them.

We had a very exciting PE session on Tuesday, where the children used the gymnastics skills they had been practising in order to create sequences using the apparatus. It was wonderful to see so much creativity in the children’s movements and how they adapted their sequences depending on the equipment they were using. Well done Year 2 - it was a pleasure to see so many smiling faces learning but having fun!

Over the past couple of weeks we have welcomed Mrs Gawthrope into our class who has been helping with the children’s learning. The children are all very excited, as next week Mrs Gawthrope will begin teaching some lessons throughout the week and will continue to do so up until the half term holidays. If you do see Mrs Gawthrope at the door on Monday morning, feel free to give her a welcoming smile!

Let’s Celebrate

Wow Evan – what a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ you have been this week.  You have been ready to learn in every lesson and have thought really carefully about the choices you have been making within the classroom and on the playground.  It has been a delight to have such a polite and sensible young gentleman in our classroom and I have loved seeing your smiling face because of this.  Well done!

You have been a real focused ‘Cooper Crab’ this week Alexander!  You have listened carefully and participated enthusiastically in our lessons, resulting in your work being completed to a real high standard.  You have also managed your distractions brilliantly this week and have got your head down instead of getting carried away in any chatting around you.  I am really proud Alexander!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your families.

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly