Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.

What a lovely welcome back to our wonderful school your children have given me, I have thoroughly enjoyed our first few days together. Thank you for your patience at the door at home time, I am slowly (very slowly) learning a few faces. Year 4 have been working really hard and have hit the ground running, Mrs Lyons will be really pleased with how they have adapted. The children have also shown kindness and a warm welcome to Miss Walker who will be working as a teaching assistant in our class in the mornings.

Let’s celebrate

One of my trickiest tasks this week was choosing who to award certificates to as Year 4 have been truly amazing. I have been impressed with their learning, their kindness and their focus. However two children stood out to me, they were our Bobby Bee Finian and our Roger Robin Lorna-Jane.

Finian was chosen because he is simply just wonderful in every learning opportunity, he is a pleasure to teach because of his enthusiasm in every task given. I can see that he loves learning and I admire his positivity when faced with a challenge.

Lorna-Jane was chosen because she is co-operative and a good team member whether in pairs or a group. She has made me feel very welcome and is keen to impress with her kind nature with her classmates.

Our star swimmers were Victor and Jessica, well done you two!

Our Yoga stars were Daniel and Elise, great work!


We are changing our spelling test date to Mondays to incorporate it into our spelling lesson on a Monday afternoon. This will start on Monday 20th January.

Love of learning

In the last three days we have finished off our mini topic of Egyptians by comparing them to other civilisations which were developing at a similar time. We explored the Shang Dynasty, the Sumer civilisation and the people of the Indus Valley, but there is still lots more to discover.

In English we have started to read our new text, The Brer Rabbit collection of stories by Enid Blyton. These are very old stories which are still stimulating the minds of children and adults alike today, we have all been laughing at what mischief Brer Rabbit has been up to.

I look forward to getting to know you and your children more over the next few weeks, please come and chat to me any time. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

Miss Edmondson