Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 23rd January


Please continue to read. Your reading target should be up and running now. Long novels can take time, but as we enter the third week of term you should be able to see your focus and resilience with your reading paying off! Remember a little everyday is the best way forward!


We are exploring the perimeter of rectilinear shapes in class this week. Please complete IXL R!


These spellings are tricky (Year 5 and 6 vocab)- we have broken them down in class, including their definition) so we have a head start with this homework.








Writing challenge: Please take these spellings and write a paragraph using them all. This week can you make is sound very serious and formal. You will have to revisit the definitions we did in class- ensuring your writing makes sense.

Purple Mash/history/English

We have been making wanted posters in class. We have also been accusing one another of crimes- for fun! Jakub has been a great sport when it has come to these jokes so the class wanted to create a wanted poster for him! I have given them the outline, they now need to design the poster. Please make a rough draft in you homework book. Make sure the poster clearly communicates to the audience who he is what he did and how dangerous he is. Name the reward and think very carefully about the quality of your vocabulary. I have also attached the poster here along with historical posters to support you with phrasing and design. Mrs Kennedy and I look through the homework every Friday- it is really important that the children are showing an application of Year 5 skills, writing should never be rushed - homework is about practicing what we have learnt- it needs to reflect the quality of the work completed in class.

I have also set a purple mash poster for an extra challenge- You could make the Poster about the Highway man or Robin Hood.