"Stand and Deliver!"

We have spent the last too week exploring our history topic “Crime and Punishment”. We have met smugglers, highwaymen, outlaws, Robin Hood and crusaders. The children have come to realize that all was not just and fair especially when it came to witches!!! During English we have explored the poem “The Highwayman” we love it! It is a narrative poem of love, passion and violence. Together in groups we wrote poems from the view point of Bess. I have attached our work here for you to read and pictures of us in our groups!

We have completed some Maths Assessments this week alongside the introduction of Perimeter and in RE we continued the theme of Poetry as we wrote about Jesus “our inspiration”. Mrs Kennedy has been busy teaching more history while Mrs Hotchkiss took part in her RSC training for the Taming of the Shrew which we will begin next week. Art and music played there part this week as we expressed ourselves in both- please see art gallery!

Thank you to our worship team Annabelle, Casey and Chloe who shared their liturgy on Tuesday

Awards this week

Mrs Kennedy has awarded these - she was gushing about the quality of their work- very Year 5! :

Well done Darcy and Kyla


Thank you for your prompt responses to my long blog last week. We do have a busy term! If you have any queries about the trip to London. Please do email or pop in. Mrs Gregan, Mrs Shields and myself will be meeting on Wednesday next week to go over all the finer details- we will then be joined by Mr Ormerod (Governor) and Mrs Draper (Barbara from Nursery). We are a well l oiled team!

Thank you! Have a lovely weekend!