"Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"

We have once again reached the end of another busy week in Year 2 where the children have amazed all members of staff with their curiosity and enthusiasm. With this term’s focus virtues being ‘curious and active’, the children are continually being challenged to ask deep questions in their learning and to play active roles in the world in which God gave to us. Not only are the children thinking carefully about how they can play more active roles in their learning, but they are also reflecting upon their words and actions and asking the question ‘is that what Jesus would have done?’. It has been lovely to hear reflections from the children this week where they have shared how they have looked after God’s world and also the people within it.

Learning has been jam packed this week, from reading our new focus story ‘Frog and Toad’s adventures’ with Mrs Gawthrope in English, to learning all about multiplication and arrays in mathematics with myself. There were also a few disappointed groans when the children discovered that they had finished their ‘Wright Brothers’ learning, but then happy smiles when they discovered that they would be moving straight onto the new history topic of ‘Florence Nightingale’ - there’s never a moments rest in Year 2!

We were also lucky to receive a visit from the fire service on Wednesday afternoon, who came to tell us all about staying safe in case of an emergency. The children were so curious and asked so many questions throughout. They should also have come back home with a little challenge for you all …. I wonder how many have done it (clue: testing something that makes a very loud beeping noise!).

Keep up this superb learning Year 2 - we can’t quite believe just how much we are getting through!

Let’s Celebrate

Well done Molly-Ann, what an ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’ you have been this week! It has been an absolute pleasure to see such a desire to learn and you have stayed focused in order to keep up with EVERY bit of learning. Maths has been particularly exciting this week, as you have made connections in your learning and have shared your ideas so confidently with your peers.

Georgia, you are continually growing as a reflective learner and are making so much progress because of this!  Both Mrs Gawthrope and myself have been so proud to see such independence in your learning this week, having a go yourself before asking for help from the people around you.  Your confidence is soaring and it is so lovely to see such a smiley, happy face in our classroom.