" Best beware my sting!" Kate (Taming of the Shrew)

I love this class! When I say Shakespeare they cheer! We have launched ourselves into the Taming of the Shrew this week and we have had so much fun! You will notice from the pictures that we are wrestling, arguing and it even looks like kicking! However do not worry, these are our excellent acting skills on show! We pretended to be Kate and her sister Bianca. In Act Two the sisters are seen arguing and Kate ties her little sister up and torments her! After this we wrote a character description of Kate for the shows brochure and a letter from Bianca to her father begging him to do something about her sister!!!. Later in the week we explored Pertruchio, the man who agrees to take on Kate. He is bold and a show off, he is over confident and fierce himself- when the two met in class we had fireworks!!!! To add further dram to our writing we included metaphors and opened sentences with similes. In maths we completed our perimeter work and received our addition and subtraction assessments back. We all had the opportunity of correcting errors to improve our score- the children were really motivated to get better and I couldn’t be prouder! In history we explored the Victorian period- gosh there were harsh and in contrast we learnt the Beatitudes in RE. Mrs Curtis is loving our art lessons and Mrs Mallinson had a calming lesson as the children refined there appreciation skills. All in all a super bus week!!!

On Wednesday we began work linked to our London Trip. The children learnt how Laws are passed through the houses of Parliament- first through the commons and then the House of Lords. WE will be going into both places. WE also talked in more detail about the day and of course we selected which MacDonald’s meal we wanted. We rand through to the restaurant in London to order only to discover they are being renovated. We have therefore changed our plans a little we will still be walking up the Thames on the South-bank over Jubilee Bridge and down to the Embankment tub station- but we will get off at Warren street and go to the MacDonalds there before walking down the street to Euston Station. I have revised the letter so you are aware of this change and I have attached it here.

Awards this week:

Grow Your Brain Certificates went to: Tess and Callum-Sean


London Trip Friday 7th February- arriving at school at 7:00am.- please re-read letter attached above

Beach trip to take part in in Dune conservation work- Wednesday 5th February