'Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths' Walt Disney

Today we looked at one of our new virtues for this half term… curiosity. We explored various quotes about the importance of curiosity and being active in our learning as well as our faith and how it is our curiosity and desire to ask questions that brings us closer to God. We explored and discussed how the disciples were curious to follow Jesus, how we are all curious as we listen to His teachings and of course we are always asking questions about God’s beautiful creation.

The children have been showing great curiosity in their learning all week, and we have been most impressed with their desire to learn and their active participation. We have now finished our class novel ‘The Ice Cat’, the children have loved this book, exploring all of its themes and have responded so deeply. Once we finished we then had the most amazing conversation of how ‘the ice cat’ was actually a representation of the main characters feelings. I can’t wait to see how they put all of this depth in to their writing next week!

In Maths the children our showing great curiosity at looking at the different methods involved when adding numbers that bridge, deciding on the strategies that work best for them! Science yesterday, was a whole morning of the children experimenting and exploring their curiosity through making circuits and electricity- they loved experimenting on which circuits would light the bulb and when it wouldn’t asking the vital question of why not?


A letter went out today about our school trip on Wednesday 12th February- can we please make sure payment is made by 31st January

Parents day on Wednesday- I am most looking forward to celebrating your child’s achievements!

Blue group starts next Thursday 8am with Mr Nay!

The awards this week go to …

Jess thank you for being such a Curious Clara Clown Fish, you have wowed us this week with how deep you have took your learning and that is because you ask all the right questions and actively search to find our more or think deeper- well done Jess, we are very proud of you.

Max you are such a Bobby Bee in your enthusiasm and desire to learn and are now channeling this enthusiasm the right way- well done Max keep it up!

Have a lovely weekend and God bless