Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday February 6th


Please continue to read every day. We have reached the penultimate week of his half term. The targets that have been set were challenging but reachable in 6 weeks. Most of the class are beyond 60% now so they just need to read one or two more good novels. Some children have or course already reached their target- well done. Will anyone reach a second target? I’ll let you know!


We are studying multiplies and factors in maths - we need to master all those table facts. It is clear that some of us are just rusty and others need to train their memory. Research tells us that to retain number facts we have to be able to retrieve them quickly from our long term memory- pulling them into our working memory. To do this we have to practice daily- once a week just doesn’t have an impact. I have shown the children the “Maths Trainer”- this interactive program gives the child quick fire table facts over a set time 1, 2 or 5 mins. It is intuitive if they get it wrong it will continue to ask them until they self correct. I have attached a little visual guide here- I have also shown the children in class.


This week we have been adding the suffix ION. However there is a rule! If a the word ends in t we have to drop the t and add a ss. For example: Submit becomes submission! If the word already ends in ss we simply add ion- for example discuss becomes discussion.

Please learn:

admit and admission

submit and submission

permit and permission






Imagine you are writing a factual book all about the Ancient Greeks. You have got to the page all about Greek architecture. The Greeks famously used columns to hold up their building. I have given you the image below to glue into your homework books. Use the information on the website link below to help with research. Now write an explanation of the three column types - design your page carefully so it looks and reads like a factual book.
