Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday January 16th

Welcome back- keep working hard! Hard work always pays off!!


Reading is the key to success. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to meet with individuals this week and set a clear new target in their books- I have set targets on the ACR system so a number of children have already quizzed on the books they received/read for Christmas. Well done great start. Please read every night.


We have been exploring some great word problems this week working through different steps to find the answer. We also explored addition pyramids- these were fun. I have set on for homework. I have attached a PDF here. Take care the two on the right are adding the two on the left are take away- I’ve got the answers so I know it works. Be resilient!


We have started our new “crime and punishment” topic in history this week and we have some new words to master. Please learn the following spellings:







death penalty


Spelling challenge: Write a 100 word paragraph about a band of outlaws who get into trouble. I will put the funniest one on the blog next week- good luck!!!

Purple Mash Task

I have set a “to do” task on your Purple Mash account. Please complete the “Highwayman” picture- taking a picture of yourself!!! In the speech bubble make the text smaller and write an account of a robbery you committed last night- make it boastful!!!