"Believe you can and you're halfway there"

That’s yet again another fantastic week of learning completed by the children in Year 2! In maths, the children can’t quite believe that they have finished their first topic of place value and have now begun their addition and subtraction learning. They have made a brilliant start and have used both part part whole models and bar models to create addition and subtraction number sentences. They can’t wait to take this learning even further next week - this class certainly love a challenge!

In English we have continued to read our focus story ‘Flat Stanley’, and it’s safe to say, that we are all hooked! As a class, we have been thinking really carefully about characters this week and how we can find evidence in the text to support our opinions. The children also enjoyed listening to a setting description from within chapter 3 and then drawing an illustration of what they imagined the setting to look like. It was fascinating to see the different interpretations of the author’s words. Amongst all this, we have also managed to learn all about a new word class this week - adjectives. The class are now great at picking these out when they are reading - why not see which ones your child can spot in their reading books this week?

We were all very excited to welcome our virtual visitor ‘Miss Bassett’ to the class in Science this week to help with our learning all about humans and growth. Before our online call, the class prepared a number of questions for Miss Bassett to help us to discover a little more about what it was like when she was pregnant and how she looks after her baby now he is here. After a very big hello to Miss Bassett through the screen, the children then stood up one by one and asked their questions so confidently and clearly. It was also interesting to discover just how much the baby has changed and grown already since being born - the children were amazed. Miss Bassett couldn’t quite believe how much the children had grown themselves and was blown away by how sensible and focused they all were - well done Year 2!

In RHE we have been immersed in a reading taken from the Gospel of Matthew 19:13-15 - ‘Let the children come’. This has helped to deepen our understanding about who made us and why we are all so special and unique. It is always so lovely to hear the children’s thoughts and ideas during these sessions - I am often in awe of their deep thinking.

Let’s Celebrate

Rafe, what a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ you are.  You are always such a kind, gentle and loving friend.  You spread smiles wherever you are; on the playground, in class or in the dinner hall, and you always speak with such beautiful manners.  Your class mates are lucky to have such a caring and considerate young gentleman around them. 

You are such an ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’ Faye!  You buzz around our classroom everyday with a huge, infectious smile on your face.  Nothing is ever too much trouble and you love discovering what new challenges you will face throughout the day.  You even have a smile on your face when you are finding something difficult and you will always ask for a little bit of extra help and guidance.  Well done Faye – you are a joy to teach!


With the ever changing weather, please ensure that your child brings appropriate clothing with them to school each day.

Please can your child bring their own tissues to school if they have a runny nose. Thank you.