What does it mean to be green?

What a busy week we have had in Year 1! On Monday, Naomi joined our class and I am so proud of how she has settled in. It is so wonderful to have a class of 30 children again. We are all so happy you have joined us on our learning journey Naomi - it’s like you’ve been here from the very beginning.

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths we have continued our learning of greater than, less than and equal to. The children have really impressed me with their determination and resilience to answer challenging questions.

In English the children received a letter from Mr Green, the manager of Sainsbury’s, in St Annes. He has asked for Year 1’s help; an army of Evil Pea's are on the loose and are causing chaos in his supermarket. The children decided to make Jelly Traps, just like Supertato did! I have dropped the Jelly Traps off at Sainsbury’s so Mr Green can put them around the supermarket floor. Fingers crossed the traps will be a success! Next week the children will be writing how they made the jelly traps, using: First, Then, After that, Next and Finally.

In RE, we have been learning about how we can be green and look after God’s world. We read the story, ‘What does it mean to be green?’. We discussed lots of brilliant ways we can make a difference to God’s world and care for it. The children then all contributed to a book on the app, Book Creator explaining how we can care for God’s world. I am hoping I will be able to share this with you next week, when it is finished.

In RHE we reviewed our learning of the Colour Monster. We read the story again and thought of more examples of when we have felt this way. We finished off our ‘How do you feel?’ display, by drawing what makes us feel sad, happy, scared etc. Within the classroom, we are still using the Colour Monster to communicate how we are feeling.

In Science, we have been learning about our 5 senses. The image links to a video we watched together. The children investigated each of the senses in turn and even tasted some sour lemons! The children had so much fun and lots of scientific conversation was had. If you are out and about over the weekend, I would love the children to use their senses to explore the world around them.

Details of this weeks home learning can be found on the Learning from home page.



Determined Sadie Spider- For being so determined to make a difference. Sean, you have impressed me so much with your understanding of how we can care for God’s world. Giving up your time to pick litter on the beach, is a selfless and considerate task. On behalf of all of Year 1, thank you for looking after God’s world and our beautiful home town.

Co-operative Roger Robin - For being such a considerate learner. Seth, you are so kind to your class friends, particularly your learning partner. You are patient, compassionate and always put the needs of others first. Thank you for bringing so much kindness to our classroom, with your big smile and even bigger heart.

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves (I broke the rules this week and had to pick 6)! This weeks stars have been: Naomi, Logan, Tilly S, Josh and Lily.


  • As the weather get’s wetter and colder, please ensure children are bringing appropriate clothing with them everyday. Please label gloves, hats etc.

  • If your child has a cold, please can they bring in a pack of their own tissues.

  • A couple of children have told me that the embroidery on their PE tops is irritating them. If this is happening to your child, please could they wear a vest underneath. Thank you very much!

Have a joyful weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter