"Have you thanked your body today? Be grateful, stay positive!"

What a week Year 2! It has certainly whizzed past with the amount of learning we have got through!

In RHE we continued to think about ourselves this week, with us paying particular attention to our body parts. It was so lovely to hear the children celebrating their favourite body parts and giving reasons as to why. Amongst others, the children were grateful for their legs for running, their eyes for seeing and their hands for making!

In Maths we have learned about adding and subtracting 10s to 2 digit numbers. We began by using the concrete apparatus to help us and then looked at other more efficient ways of calculating the answer. This is such an important skill to have and will help tremendously as we move onto trickier calculations next week.


Science was all about the heart this week as we learned all about the importance of exercise. After a few worried looks after some children were unable to find their pulses when resting, all of the class managed to locate theirs after completing different exercises. We discussed what happened to our pulse after carrying out the different exercises and why we think this happens. We really do have a class of enthusiastic and curious scientists! Great work Year 2!

We had a wonderful RE lesson reading a story called ‘I Wonder’ together. In this story a little girl asked many questions about the world in which we live. This then got us thinking - what questions do we have about the world that are sometimes tricky to answer? The children got thinking and then wrote their questions down for our ‘I wonder’ display board in class. Throughout next term we will continue to revisit this board to see if any of the children can have a go at answering each other’s questions.


School closes for the half term holidays at 3:15pm/3:30pm on Wednesday 21st October.

Children return back to school at 8:30am/8:45am on Monday 2nd November.

This week’s home learning is to be handed in on Wednesday 21st October instead of the usual Thursday.

Let’s Celebrate

You have been such a focused Cooper Crab this week Arthur!  You have been ready to learn in every lesson and have managed any distractions around you brilliantly.  This has shown greatly in your understanding and in the work you have produced.  It has been wonderful to see you putting your hand up and answering questions so enthusiastically, and your proud smile has lit up the room after doing so.  Keep it up Arthur!  

What a Co-operative Roger Robin you have been this week Ben!  Your politeness and lovely manners certainly haven’t gone unnoticed and it has been lovely to see you spread so much joy in our class.  You work so wonderfully with your learning partner and are always there to lend a quiet helping hand without disturbing the rest of the class. I am so proud of you Ben –  Well done!

Have a restful weekend.
God Bless,

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Carter and Mrs Malley