Year 1 Home Learning for over Half Term

Home learning will be due Thursday 5th November. Purple mash tasks should be handed in online. I am keen to get the children really confident using purple mash; in the event that a child should be learning from home, it is a great way for them to send their work to me. I really appreciate your support with helping them to use it.


Over half term, children should learn the spellings with the ea diagraph. I have set this for the children on Purple mash. On 5th November, I will test the children on 4 of the spellings below and a bonus spelling from the previous spelling list.

head bread meant instead spread wear pear read (past tense) thread breath

Science - Purple Mash

To consolidate their learning all about animals, I have challenged the children to create a fact file on purple mash, all about their favourite animal. I have created a template for the children to use. In their fact file I would like them to include:

  1. What animal group the animal belongs to. e.g amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish or mammals. How do they know? Convince me!

  2. Where the animal lives.

  3. What it likes to eat. Is it a carnivore, herbivore or an omnivore?

  4. Three interesting facts about the animal.

  5. A photo of the animal.

There is also a writers checklist to prompt the children when editing.

Maths - IXL

Addition up to 5

  1. L.1Add with pictures - sums up to 5

  2. L.2Addition sentences - sums up to 5

  3. L.3Add two numbers - sums up to 5

  4. L.4Make a number using addition - sums up to 5

  5. L.5Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 5

  6. L.6Addition word problems - sums up to 5

Read, read, read!

The children are doing so well with their flashcards and it is having a noticeable impact on their reading. On the How to help your child page, there is a link to all of the flashcards.

I have not taken in the children’s home learning books; they are more than welcome to do extra learning in these over half term too!

Passwords for Purple Mash and IXL, can be found in the back of your child’s Reading Log.