If you believe in yourself, anything is possible!

Wow! What a great week we’ve had in Reception, we have a class full of enthusiastic Bobby Bees. Everyone in our class has done something to be proud of this week; from being kind friends, enthusiastic learners or using our imaginations we’ve done it all!

We were introduced to another learning character this week, Bobby Bee reminds us to feel proud of each achievement, to be enthusiastic and to believe in ourselves and know we can do it!

We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.

In RE we talked about Harvest, we know that Harvest is a time when we thank God for the food that he has provided us with. We celebrate that the farmers have collected all the food that has grown in the fields. We said a prayer together to show how grateful we were to have food and to all the people that prepare it for us at home and school. On Tuesday we joined Nursery outside to do a special Harvest samba to thank God for the sun and the rain that help the crops to grow.

I have been blown away by the children’s enthusiasm for Read Write Inc (RWI) lessons this week. They are so excited to learn new sounds and to read words using all the sounds we know. This week we have learnt two bouncy sounds and one stretchy sound. We have been working so hard to segment and blend words orally, some of us enjoyed writing the words with chalk outside.

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During Maths this week we have been learning the names and characteristics of different 2D shapes. We learnt that a square is a special type of rectangle that has four sides that are the same length. We searched our classroom to find different shapes and then used shapes to make some fantastic shape monsters.

Let’s Celebrate

Lucia - Have a Go Tommy Turtle - You have set a fantastic example within our class of how to learn from our mistakes. When something you were doing didn't go to plan, you didn’t worry and kept on trying. Thank you for being so excited to learn new things this week, what an excellent effort.

 Louie - Believe in Yourself Bobby Bee - What a wonderful week you have had Louie! You should be feeling so very proud of your hard work and effort, particularly in Read Write Inc! You have shown such enthusiasm and have worked with such eagerness, both independently and when working with a teacher.

Important Notices

Homework - This week homework can be found on the Learn from Home section of our Reception page.

Half term - School closes for the half term holidays at 3:15pm/3:30pm on Wednesday 21st October.

Children return back to school at 8:30am/8:45am on Monday 2nd November.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves and Barbara