This week’s homework should be handed in after half term please. Many thanks.
Read at home every day. You can quiz during school time when a book has been completed.
(Parents: Don’t forget you can check on your child’s progress on Accelerated Reader - this will let you know which books they have read and quizzed on and also their progress towards their reading target.)
IXL maths using the IXL website. Please complete units I1, I2 and I5 (addition) also J1, J2 and J5 (subtraction)
Please learn the spellings below ready for a spelling quiz in class after half term.
Don’t forget to find different activities from “Fun Ways to Learn your Spellings” sheet to help your child to learn their spellings.
The children should be able to write the spellings independently - this will need to be written clearly and correctly during the spelling quiz.
This week our spellings are a mixture of a spelling pattern and high frequency words.
grammar straight special though strange carious sentence recent
Please practise writing all of the letters in the cursive style and then practise writing these words:
has off some any very went did they good need use was when there just my could are back help quick where fox lazy
(See the sheet that has been sent home for reference and rhymes for each letter) It is important that these letters are formed correctly and that they join correctly to the adjoining letters. If letters are tall they should be taller than the other letters and consistent in size. All short letters should be consistent in size too please. Can you write any sentences using these words?