Reading Books
Everyone has a new book to enjoy at home. After half term the children will read with an adult once a week and their book will be changed at the same time.
Please send your child’s reading folder everyday as the day they read will change each week. Homework books must be returned by Wednesday as usual.
Please remember to:
Make predictions of what will happen next
Build character knowledge including descriptions and feelings
Answer questions using evidence from the pictures or text
Retell and sequence the story
Embellish the story and even create alternative endings.
Phonics - Read Write Inc
PLEASE continue to form letters in fun and imaginative ways alongside the below activity.
Play Boggle using the sounds that we have learnt so far (m,a,s,d,t,i,n,p,g,o,c,k,u,b,f,e,l,h)
Cut out the sounds in your folder (or use the ones from the sound hunt 2 weeks ago if you still have them)
Set a timer for one minute and see how many words you can make using the sounds.
You will have to reuse some of the letters so maybe a grown up could write the words as you make them so you know how many you have made at the end.
After the timer has finished you could read the words on the list or ask a grown up to read the words for you to segment and write in your book.
Look at the information below, take a picture of the repeating pattern you make and put it in your book or email it to Miss Lavelle.
Physical Development
Get outside as much as you can and enjoy the outdoors, jump in a muddy puddle, roll down a hill, jump over some stepping stones the possibilities are endless. Keep working on building those independent skills of pulling back inside out sleeves, putting coats and jumpers on and off and using a knife and fork too.
And please remember these wonderful words….
Have a great half term!
Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves and Barbara