Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 7th October 2020

Spellings - these are more suffixes.

careless, flavourless, hopeful, deceitful, meanness, lateness, achievement, definitely, thoroughly, pitiless, beautiful, merriment, laziness, speedily, simply

Maths - this week we have been working on our formal multiplication method. Have a go at the questions that are stuck into your book. If you need another copy, click on the button below.

Don’t forget Times Table Rockstars!

Geography - Deforestation in Brazil

This is a huge global problem, but more so in Brazil! Can you research this topic using the websites below and collect facts and figures in your homework book.

Think about:

What is deforestation? What are the effects of deforestation? How much of the Amazon is being lost to deforestation? Facts and figures surrounding deforestation.

Science - Electricity at home

What electrical items have you got at home? Have you got something that you think everyone else might not have?

Take lots of photos of the electrical things in your house and make a pic collage. You can use an app or make it on a document. Email it across when you have finished it.