It has been a truly delightful week of learning in Year 4. Children are so settled and are maturing before my very eyes! We have done so much in one week!
We have enjoyed drawing conclusions from our many plant experiments in class and also learning about Biomes in Geography. This helps us practise our location skills and we are getting better at knowing which continents different countries are in.
We have been busy finishing off our Place value in maths and this week, we learned about negative numbers! Now we have moved to addition and subtraction. However, there is going to be a big emphasis on learning those times tables in Year 4 alongside all maths work. This week it is the 4x and next week it is straight onto the 8x table!
In English, we have started ‘The Pied Piper’ and children have been asking questions, reading different versions and making predictions. We have also been collecting lots of exciting vocabulary to use eventually in our own fairy tales on the same theme. The children’s enthusiasm has been off the chart!!
On a similar theme, in RE this week we did the story of Moses and the Exodus. Children became newspaper reporters and wrote about the ten plagues. We had a meaningful discussion about slavery and why it was so terribly wrong. We always bring everything back to our mission statement, ‘You are precious in my eyes,’ and children understand that every human being is equally precious - and deserves to be treated as a child of God.
Children have loved trying out our new trim trail this week too! They have been so lovely cheering each other on to complete the monkey bars!
Next Tuesday will be our Reconciliation Session. It would be lovely if you could spend some time reflecting with your child on this and talk about the wrong choices they sometimes make. It is such a good opportunity to grow as a person. I always say it is like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders when you experience the power of God’s love and forgiveness.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our French stars were Jess and
Miss Forster and Mr Nay picked Saul and Jess for PE stars this week - super effort from both!
A Clara Clownfish certificate went to Julia for being a real pattern-spotter and noticing grammar that we have been learning in her reading book!
A Sadie Spider certificate went to Kiefer for trying so hard to get lots done and considering his learning so carefully.
In readiness for our upcoming Holy Communion, we are starting to prepare children for this and have completed a session today. They will come home with books to share and fill in with you (see homework) Also, please return any outstanding Holy Communion letters.
Since we cannot meet for parents’ day I will be sending a simple mini report out for your child to let you know how they have been getting along and also some examples of their fantastic work!
Have a lovely weekend everyone. God Bless,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Forster, Miss Edmondson and Mrs Mather