Year 6 Blog - 'How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.' - ANNE FRANK

We have all been totally captivated by the moving and inspiring story of Anne Frank this week. From learning about the regime that the Jewish people had to live by, to the surrender of the Frank family to go into hiding and then the joy that Anne’s diary has brought to so many people world wide - we have all been totally involved in her story. The events that surround the ordeal that the Franks and other Jewish families were incredibly harrowing and so very hard to believe. We have also discussed how this segregation still affects people, communities and cultures today - we pray continuously that they find a place of safety and that they are loved for who they are.

Learning is a constant process of discovery


Although the majority of our week has been focused on writing, we have still managed to continue to challenge our learning in the other curriculum areas. In maths, we have started to focus on the four operations (+ - x /) and really consolidate our understanding of formal multiplication. This is a tricky area and you will have noticed that it is this week’s homework. I have included a video of our newest class teacher helping you with the process. This is also in the How to Help your Child area of the website. We will continue to add to these videos throughout the year. Times table knowledge is the biggest factor in this, please continue to revisit these at home. The Amazon Rainforest has been our main focus this week in geography. We have been looking at the environmental issues that are affecting the rainforest ready to write a persuasive letter next week. Yesterday’s science lesson was ELECTRIFYING, we looked at language and prior learning before discussing how electricity has made our lives a lot easier. We have also continued to work on our Book Creators in computing - building interactive books on a South American country. And in RE, we have discussed the Prodgial Son and how there are times in our lives when we have experienced unkindness, but there are also times when we have experience unconditional love for times when we have done something wrong.

As we cannot have Parents Day like we usually do this year, I will be emailing you a short report about your child for your information. The children will also be creating a Proud Portfolio - work from this half term that they are incredibly proud of and showcases just what they have achieved this year. They will be able to share this with you all and explain each piece of work.

Every family has a story to tell, welcome to ours…

Today we welcomed a new class member to our family - well, not so new, but someone who we have not seen for a while. It has been lovely to have Reuben in class with us today and to see the children interact and catch up with him. I know that the children will welcome Reuben with open arms and to make him feel instantly welcome. They will take care of him over the coming weeks to help him settle in. Welcome back the Bland Family.

Leadership in Action

All of the Year 6 leaders have been busy this week creating action plans for Miss Hornby to view. They have some fantastic ideas about how they can reach their school community. We have use our RHE lesson to continue to look at self-led leadership. There is even talk of a green screen being painted in the Year 6 classroom to help with our filming! Watch this space!

Let’s Celebrate Learning

With the quality of learning that takes place in class each week, choosing just two learners seems like an impossible task!

Well done this week to Francesca and Casey.

Francesca always goes above and beyond when completing any work in class. She is so very reflective. Each time she tackles a piece of work, she thinks carefully about what is being asked of her and ensures that she evidences this in the best way possible. Well done Francesca.

Casey is our resilient learner this week. Maths has certainly tested us in lots of ways and sheer determination is just what has been needed. Casey has had this is bucket loads and even when things were really tricky…he pushed through. I am very proud of you!

Just to remind you…

  • Can all water bottles and uniform be labelled? We need to ensure that the uniform found goes home with the correct child.

  • Thank you for sending in your blue forms for St Bedes. These have now been sent there. Incase you haven’t seen the video on the website, here is the link:

    St Bedes Website

  • Coats are essential as we are now moving into Autumn and trying to keep those bugs away.

Happy weekend everybody.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster