“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”

I am really excited to get our second half term started tomorrow. I am even more excited that we will be studying Romeo and Juliet as our writing unit of work and Skellig for our reading unit of work!

Romeo and Juliet.PNG

As part of Romeo and Juliet, we will be using film clips to support our study. These clips are taken from a range of sources: Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 film, You Tube study clips and Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 film adaptation too. The 1996 film version is a certificate 12, and there I need to ensure that you are all aware that I will be using snippets from this film. I can assure you that the scenes will be the ones that are appropriate to share with the class and will be used to highlight the difference or the emotion between characters. It is always interesting to compare the opening of the two films: 1968 and 1996 - the children are always amazed at how far the film industry has developed. If any body has any concerns about the film use, please send me an email. If I do not hear from you, I will assume that you are happy with my decision of film clip to support this unit of work.

I really enjoy showing the same story in lots of different ways…I am sure the children will be excited too.

I have a surprise for the children tomorrow too. At the moment, we cannot go on school trips like we used to so I am bringing a visitor into our classroom virtually, just after Christmas!