This week we have had some lovely prayer and liturgy time thinking about humility. We have thought about how we can put others before ourselves in our thoughts, actions, words and prayers.
Again in PE we have been working together as a team. We had another very exciting lesson this morning with a variety of challenges where the children had to be like little Roger Robins, working together to solve the problems. In maths this week, we have continued with our adding and subtracting. We have also been trying to recall number facts quickly so that we don’t have to work them out. (How fast can you do it?) In English, we have been expanding our vocabulary and looking up the meaning of different words in the dictionary. We have made predictions about what we think might have happened and what is going to happen. In History we have looked at the ancient settlement of Skara Brae and found out what life was like there.
Let’s Celebrate:
This week our certificates go to Max and Millie. Both children received Cooper Crab certificates because they have been really focused this week. Max you have been really focusing on what you have been asked to do and doing it straight away. This has meant that you have been much more organised this week and ready to do your learning. You have been amazing! Keep up the good work. Millie, you are always so focused and ready to do you work and you manage your distractions well. You are also a kind and considerate learning partner. Well done! We are also so proud of Edi who received Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners certificate this week. Well done Edi.
We are delighted that Jay and Owen (second time this term for Owen with a very high target set) have achieved 100% of their reading target already. Well done boys. You are so focused when it comes to your reading and you have worked really hard, reading lots of books. I am also so proud to say that we have a big group of children who are almost reaching their target and with all the reading that I know they will do over the weekend and next week, I am sure that we will have lots more children to celebrate next week. Well done children—keep up the good work.
Things to Note:
Please can I remind you about the Home School Agreement form which I sent the link for with your child’s mid term report. If you have not yet completed this form please complete and submit it asap. We are still awaiting responses from a number of families. Many thanks.(see the button below)
It is good to see that children are wearing layers in class and keeping warm. Thank you.
Please make sure that you look at the home learning page for this week’s home learning. This should be completed by next Thursday. This week’s learning is COMPUTER BASED. Many thanks.
Thank you for all your continued support and co-operation this term. Another successful week!
We hope that you have a lovely weekend and have a chance to share some time together as a family.
Take care and stay safe
The Year 3 Team Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Mather.
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