Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 13th November 2020


Read for at least 10 minutes each day. Don’t forget about the reading challenge mentioned on this week’s blog! If you take your time to read and quiz carefully, it might just be you taking home one of those special books!

We have been reading so many fairytales in class this week, but have paid particular attention to The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs in your own words. Remember I will look at these and mark them, so please try your best!


Set 7 - have do little out our saw

Kn or gn - knee knife know knight knock gnome

Online Safety

On Tuesday, we will be having our first Online Safety Day of the year. It would be great if the children could complete the quiz set for them on Purple Mash to see what they can remember from last year.

Maths IXL

H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5

English IXL

F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5