‘Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no-one alive who is more you-er than you!’

We have had a wonderful week in year 1. Our lessons on remembrance, have been particularly thought provoking and touching to the year 1 children. I was so proud of the children during the 2 minutes silence. Their thoughtful reflection showed sensitivity and gratitude.

I am so impressed with how the children have thrown themselves into their new Read Write Inc. groups. There are now lots of children who have learned to read all of the word sets and are now challenging themselves to spell these words. A huge hip-hip-hooray to these enthusiastic Bobby Bees!

I hope you will join me, in embracing another of these ‘home learning challenges’, this time for maths! I have challenged the children to learn number bonds off by heart. The children will be bringing home a number bond card. One side of the card has all of the number bonds for a given number e.g. 5, the other side has examples of these number bonds, represented in a different way. The children will move on to the next number bond card, once they can confidently and fluently recall the number bonds for that specific number. I will quiz the children on these each Friday, in the following way:

Miss Lane: 5 Child: 0

Miss Lane: 2 Child: 3

Miss Lane: 3 Child: 2

and so on.

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths, the children have been thinking about number bonds within 10 and to 10. We discussed how we can learn about number bonds systematically. This was a tricky concept for some of the children to get their heads around. If you are looking for an extra challenge over the next week, why not visit the White Rose Website and get your child to teach you all about number bonds, through their interactive lessons.

In English, the children have learned the terms noun and adjective. I have challenged the children to teach you what these mean. We have also been identifying and using question marks. Over the weekend, can your child identify questions in their reading books?

In RHE the children have been thinking about how they are unique and precious in God’s eyes. We discussed how boys and girls are different and had a fantastic discussion about what they like to play with. A comment that ‘pink is a girls colour’ and ‘girls can’t play with cars’, sparked a wonderful discussion about the likes and dislikes of boys and girls. It was amazing to hear the children talk openly, about how boys and girls can play with whatever they want to and equally they can grow up to achieve and do whatever their hearts desire.

Apologies there are not more photos of learning this week - we’ve just been so busy! Details of this weeks home learning can be found on the Learning from home page.



Creative Kiki Chameleon - For writing brilliant questions to ask that cheeky Crocodile. Charlotte, just like Kiki, you are letting your imagination run free and are thinking carefully about your choice of words. You focused so hard to write brilliant questions and lots of them. I am very proud of the creative writer you are becoming! Well done superstar!

Creative Kiki Chameleon - For your imaginative ideas and predictions. Naomi, you have blown me away this week, with your creative ideas and suggestions. You thought carefully about ‘what could happen next’ and pushed yourself to think outside the box. I’m so pleased this creativity is in your writing too! Well done Naomi – you are a star!

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Naomi, Sean, Seth and Teddy.


  • A friendly reminder to label your child’s water bottles and follow school policy of water and not squash.

  • I have noticed a growing number of children bringing things from home to share with the other children, including lego men, colouring in etc. It breaks my heart that we cannot do show and tell as we used to. However, please can we be mindful of what your child is bringing into school with them. Staff follow strict hygiene procedures when touching children’s items, that go to and from school; safety of the children, your families and staff is of the upmost importance. Thank you for your help with this!

Have a lovely weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell