Year 5 weekly home learning - online to be handed in on Thursday 3rd December

Hello everyone. Well done for listening sooooooo carefully to Mrs Hotchkiss as she teaches from home!

I’m delighted to see so many children heading towards their reading targets! I’m also tracking the Rock Star data and we have 20 children with large positive score improvements from their most recent gig assessment- well done!!


Reading is always the most important homework. Reach those targets with time to spare. Hopefully we’ll get new books from Father Christmas!!!


We have covered an awful lots of maths in class and we have tackled K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 on IXL. No one has got 100 on all of these yet, but many are close!! Can you make sure you have 100 on K2 and K3 and then as near to 100 as you can get- over this next week!

TT ROCKSTARS - don’t forget to practice your tables and division facts everyday too!

English - retrieval

In class we frequently revisit grammar and spelling rules covered in the past. Retrieval really helps us to play with facts from our long term memory. Sometimes we need extra practice too. Please complete B5 and B6 English IXL - regular plurals.

Christmas Nativity

I know this may be a big surprise to you!!! I’m afraid we will not be joining the community here or at church for our annual concerts and productions, however we will have a little online surprise for everyone! I need the class to learn the lines highlighted on the document below. Thank you!!!

Geography- project! Watch the film to find out more