There are a few different tasks on here today…see how well you can do.
Spellings - suffix ious
odious, various, obvious, serious, anxious, serious, precious, gracious, factious, religious, ambitious, hilarious, delirious, atrocious, officious.
Maths and Science
These are both assignments on your SHOWBIE account.
Maths - complete the long division calculations by writing on the sheet. Can you add a voice recording to explain to me what you have done?
Science - to be completed in your homework book and uploaded onto Showbie. Take a photo and upload.
Who was Charles Darwin and what did he discover at the Galapogos Islands?
English - Was Friar Lawrence responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death? I have set you a task on Purple Mash to debate and discuss.
3 detailed reasons why Friar Lawrence was responsible and 3 detailed reasons why he was not responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths.