While the world is sleeping...

We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.

We took a step back this week and it is amazing how much learning and fun into the eleven weeks we have been on our Reception adventure!


We have decided to create an ‘I wonder…’ board in our classroom. So many children have great questions and thoughts throughout the week, we are going to add them to our new board and find out more or answers to our questions.

This week we have really enjoyed finding out more about nocturnal animals, in groups we researched and made fact sheets about different animals. please enjoy watching our video below to find out more.

Thank you so much for sending some fantastic stories about nocturnal animals, we thoroughly enjoyed watching them as a class. They have inspired us to create some at school, we have been busy making puppets and recording videos, we look forward to our film premiere next week.


This week we have learnt three new sounds, they have been added to the flashcard packs in reading folders.

vvvvvulture…Down a wing, up a wing

y-y-y-yak…Down a horn and under his head

w-w-w-worm…Down, up, down, up

Let’s Celebrate

Louisa is a Brave Tommy Turtle - For being excited to try new challenges especially during Read Write Inc. We are so impressed with your brave attitude to trying new things and that you have another go if you make a mistake. Well done Louisa!

Rosa is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being so enthusiastic especially during counting challenges. We are so impressed with your excitement to try new things. Well done Rosa!

Important Notices

Wellies - Thank you, we have had 29 pairs brought in so far, just 1 to go! If you need them at home over the weekend please let us know and return them on Monday.

Home-school Partnership Agreement - Thank you, 26 responses so far, just 4 to go! If you still need to complete the form the link is below.


Homework - This week homework can be found on the ‘Learn from Home’ section of our page.

Dates for the diary -

On Friday 11th December we will be having a Christmas hat day in Nursery and Reception. We are asking that everyone brings a £1 donation to take part.

On Tuesday 15th December we will be having a danceathon in our bubbles. We are asking that everyone brings a £1 donation to take part.

All donations will be given to Brian House Hospice.

Have a wonderful weekend from all the Reception team!