Welcome back!

Welcome back to nursery everyone, we have missed you. I hope you enjoyed doing some of the activities I posted during the half term holiday! You can send me some photos if you like.

Firstly, can I say how happy the children are to be back and start their learning. We began the week with leaf printing using autumn colours. To explore the leaves we were printing with we worked together to sweep up all the leaves in the garden into a huge pile. We looked very closely at them, touched them then discussed all the colours we could see. After our investigation we jumped in the pile of leaves and kicked them all over the garden…it was such fun, but we then had to sweep them all up again!!

It would be helpful if your child brought a pair of named wellies (clipped together with a named peg) to leave at nursery for rainy days and exploring puddles! Additionally, appropriate waterproof outdoor clothing would be appreciated.

Next week, we will be painting firework pictures and poppies for Remembrance Day. Watch this space!

Secondly, I would like to thank you all for wearing face coverings at drop off and collection times. It is important that we keep each other safe during such difficult times.

Lastly, I have noted that I do not have permission form everyone for the use of your child’s images on our webpage. Don’t worry just drop me and email!

Try and have a lovely weekend even if our routines have been currently interrupted. Perhaps I will see some of you whilst we are all out walking? If you click on the button below you will find ‘Ways to have a mini adventure’! Enjoy!

Take care and keep safe.
