Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Thursday 12th October (work in homework books this week)

It is lovely to be back in full swing this week! Everyone in class has had a well earned rest and we have got right back into the learning! As with the first half term, homework books will alternate with homework completed online. This week we are in our homework books.

READING - The children completed their Star Reader Assessments before half term and from these I have set new reading targets! Amazingly, some children read so much over half term that they shot up the reading board in class towards their new target- well done!! Please read every night. I have finished my book at home and I was telling the children that I didn’t really enjoy it so they have selected a new one for me! I’m four chapters in and I’m in another time and place living with the Feather Tribe in the artic circle.

Spellings - words ending in ible












In maths we have been exploring the part whole model and relating this back to our calculations (creating calculation families). We have also looked at the zero when subtracting using column subtraction -can be tricky. In your book you have maths calculations on an orange sheet. Decide which method you are going to use to solve them:

Column-borrowing down or adjusting

Use the square paper to show all your calculations - be neat and logical.


This week we started studying North America- very exciting! In your bag you will find a plastic wallet with all the flags of the 23 countries that make up North America. Can you cut them all out and match them with the correct location descriptor (also in the wallet). This could be a fun family activity! You will need a good map of North America.

Have fun!!