I hope that you all had a lovely week and managed to enjoy some time together as a family.
The children have settled down well into their learning again and we have had a lovely week.
Today in PE we started our team building unit. This was very exciting with lots of different challenges which the children were so enthusiastic to work together on. What fantastic Roger Robins we have—there was so much co-operation and focus in how they solved the different problems. Well done children. In maths this week, we have continued with our adding and subtracting. Regular fluency lessons are also ensuring that the children are practising and over learning the skills. In English, we have started our new topic which will see us looking at the text The Green Children and the also The Greenling. This has been most exciting and has generated lots of ideas, talk and questions. What curious Clara Clownfish and enthusiastic Bobby Bees we have been!. All children have had their reading targets reset and some children have also received new ZPDs. The children have been so enthusiastic about their reading. It has been wonderful to feel the buzz that is happening in the classroom when it comes to reading! Well done children—keep up the good work. We have some children who are so enthusiastic about their reading that they have already reached their reading target for the term!! (They have done this by reading lots during half term and then quizzing on what they have read.) In Science the children have started their new topic of electricity. A very busy and exciting week with lots of enthusiastic and curious children.
Let’s Celebrate:
This week our certificates go to Molly-Ann and Leo. Leo receives a Bobby Bee certificate because he is always so enthusiastic during learning. You are always so bubbly and ready to learn Leo and you are trying so hard with all of your work. You always join in and have so much to offer. Well done, keep up the good work! Molly-Ann receives a Lizzie Ladybird certificate because she keeps trying to improve her work. You always listen carefully to advice and try to make improvements in your work. You are also looking carefully at what you have done and trying to spot where you can improve independently too. Well done.
Harvey received Role Model of the week for lunchtime. Well done Harvey. It is great to be a good role model,
We are delighted that Evan, Owen and Leo have achieved 100% of their reading target already. Well done boys. You have done a super job with your reading. I have reset their targets with a very tricky challenge and all three of them are determined to try to reach them again before the end of this half term. The children are all determined to climb up the rainbow faster this half term and what a fabulous start we have had.
Things to Note:
To make things easier for you if your child is off school due to illness, we have created an online form for you to complete. This form can be found on the Discover page, Attendance and there is a button at the bottom which says REPORTING AN ILLNESS. Please complete the form and submit it in the case of illness. We hope that this helps. Thank you.
As the weather gets colder, please make sure that children are wearing multiple layers for school. We need to keep the windows /door open as much as we can for ventilation and the classroom can get quite cold. We have discussed this in class and suggested sweatshirt/ cardigan plus tracksuit top, vests and t.shirts under school t.shirts etc. Thank you.
Please can I remind you about the Home School Partnership form which I sent the link for with your child’s mid term report. If you have not yet completed this form please complete and submit it asap. Many thanks. (Click on the button below)
Please make sure that you look at the home learning page for this week’s home learning. This should be completed by next Thursday. This week’s learning is COMPUTER BASED. Many thanks.
Thank you for all your continued support and co-operation throughout the term. Another successful week!
We hope that you have a lovely weekend and have a chance to share some time together as a family.
Take care and stay safe
The Year 3 Team Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Mather.
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