"Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man."

With the Christmas holidays looming, we have spent many of our class prayer and liturgy sessions reflecting upon this special time and what we can do in order to prepare for the birth of Jesus. We have really enjoyed sharing Year 6’s Advent liturgies together - they are guiding our prayer beautifully each week. Thank you Year 6! In RE, we also became Nativity song writers. We listened to one of our favourites ‘Don’t Worry Mary’ and picked out the important messages from within the song. We then used these ideas to help write our own verses, with many children showing such confidence whilst performing their songs to the class. You are growing into such deep thinkers Year 2!

In English we have been very busy writing. We have been creating a class version of ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’ together, and then the children have had a go at writing their own version whilst remembering to include the skills we have learned throughout this topic. Next week, the class will be innovating their final story maps which they will then have a go at writing completely independently next week. I can’t wait to read your final pieces Year 2!

We have been busy spotting land features in Geography and are now able to distinguish the difference between physical features and human features. After spending so much time studying Ecuador, I think we have many children who wouldn’t mind a class trip … we can all but dream!

Here are a few snap shots of today’s Christmassy treasure hunt. Everyone managed to find Santa’s missing beard and won a little chocolatey treat at the end!

Thank you for keeping up your super focus and kindness this week children. I know that it isn’t always easy with the exciting time of Christmas growing closer, but you really should be proud of yourselves. Well done!

Let’s Celebrate

What a ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon’ you have been this week Millie! You have used your imagination and have written some wonderful adventures for the Big Bad Wolf in your Great Fairy Tale Disaster story!  Your writing has been magnificent each day and you should feel incredibly proud of the story you have completed!  Well done Millie!

My goodness, you have been such a ‘Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird’ Ola.  You have worked ever so hard on your writing and have been determined to go through your work with your purple pencil to edit any mistakes or to make improvements.  You have made so much progress already in Year 2 and that’s down to your determination and resilience – well done!

Well done to Arthur, Liam, Rose and Erin who have achieved 100% on three quizzes in a row this week during reading time. Each week we will also be selecting two Star Reader children - those children who haven’t quite got 100% on three quizzes but have tried really hard during reading sessions or may be reading thicker books which take longer to get through. Well done to our Star Readers Gabriella and Benjamin! I hope that you all enjoy reading your chosen book from our special shelf with your families this weekend. Please don’t forget to return these books on Tuesday and take extra special care with them - remember they belong to Lancashire Library, not school!


Christmas Danceathon Day - Tuesday 15th December - This much anticipated annual event will return with a slight twist this year. The children can come to school wearing their PE kits and we will dance the day away to Christmas music when Miss Hornby sounds those school bells. Unfortunately there will be no gathering on the school playground to dance as a school community, but we are looking forward to getting our groove on in our classroom! Again, donations of £! for this event in the single coin.

Christmas Party Day - Thursday 17th December - This year we will be enjoying those Christmas party games in our classrooms. On this day, children can come to school in their best party clothes, but please do remember sensible footwear and warm layers as we will still be going out for playtimes. A small snack of a chocolate bar or a packet of crisps with a drink (no fizzy please) can also be brought into school to be enjoyed after the party. We will also be enjoying a Christmas dinner for lunch.

Christmas Card Collection - As explained in Miss Hornby’s email, we are once again fulfilling our mission to be more Eco friendly by donating any money

If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to ask.

School closes for the Christmas holidays at 12:45pm or 1pm on Friday 18th December. We welcome the children back on Monday 4th January.

Enjoy your weekend.
God Bless,

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Carter and Mrs Malley