Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Happiness is singing your heart out.'

This week has been all about making people smile and to share our joy with others. We have been busy making Christmas cards, baubles and a carol concert for the residents of Stella Matutina. They read out the email that we had sent them this week and it brought tears to many of the residents. If we can just spread a little joy to them this Christmas….what a wonderful gift. With the £1 from the danceathon next week, we hope to send them an incredible gift. I will post the video of the carols on the website next week when we share our whole school Christmas nativity. Hopefully it will bring you some light too.

Today we worshipped together today and were asked to think about what we are grateful for. It was a lovely thought to think at such a special time of the year.

Learning this week has been really enjoyable. We have taken some of the pace from it and finished things that we needed to. In maths we have moved onto fractions and in english we have continued with Skellig and Romeo and Juliet. The children have written some fantastic poetry about Skellig in the style of Tyger Tyger. Please click on the button below to enjoy it.

We have also had so much fun making the adverts for the Romeo and Juliet potions, these will be continued next but please enjoy this sneak preview.

Well done to our learning stars this week Zofia and Annabelle.

Zofia has been a wonderful learning partner this week. All of her kind acts have not gone unnoticed. We love having you in class.

Annabelle is one of the kindest friends we have in class. She is enthusiastic about all of the learning that we do and is incredibly kind. We appreciate all that you do for us.

On Tuesday 15th December, we will be holding a Christmas Danceathon. Although we will not be able to gather on the playground like we usually do, we will ensure that there is lots of dancing in classes and at breaktime. The children will need to wear their PE kits and it is a £1 donation towards our contribution to Stella Matutina.

Thursday 17th December - Christmas party day and Christmas dinner. The children may bring in a snack, packet of crisps and a drink for the party.