This week’s homework should be completed by next Thursday please. Many thanks.
No spellings this week—we didn’t want to do a spelling test on party day!
Read at home every day. You can quiz during school time when a book has been completed. Are you nearly at your target? Could you read a little bit more this week and try to reach it before the end of term?
Please remember that you should all be selecting books from the class library within your ZPD to read at home and at school. You may also choose to read extra books from home but these should be within your ZPD please.
(Parents: Don’t forget you can check on your child’s progress on Accelerated Reader - this will let you know which books they have read and quizzed on and also their progress towards their reading target.)
IXL maths using the IXL website. Please complete any of the units E, F, G, H, I or J (addition and subtraction) How many of these units can you complete?
Purple Mash:
Create a magical Christmas tree picture using the 2Do that has been set. What will your tree look like? Have fun. Don’t forget to submit your tree so that I can see it.
Use the 2Do that has been set to create an acrostic poem about Christmas. Can you use you senses to help you write sentences that describe what Christmas is like or means to you?