Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'For God loved the world so much, he gave his only son.'

We made it and I could not be prouder of my whole school community; wonderful families, devoted staff and hard - working children. We are all so very blessed. This year has been incredibly exhausting, but by far the most rewarding term of my teaching career. I think back to the children coming back to school in September, nervous about how school would be and how they would learn in class. Yesterday, just before we celebrated Christmas at our party, we celebrated just how far we have all come this year. Myself and Mrs Webster had a mission this year, we wanted the children to experience a ‘normal’ Year 6, and although there have been a few changes, we have mostly continued like we would. I could not be prouder of my class team.

Christmas in any primary school is the most magical time of the year. I hope that you have all managed to sit down and watch the nativity that the whole school has put together. It is truly magical with each class telling a little part of the story. Yesterday, we had such fun at the Christmas Party. It was nice to just spend it together in class. Please enjoy the photographs of the day and also, our Santa Dash.

This week in class, we have turned our attention to poetry and story telling. We used The Christmas Truce as our poem to retell through story and the poem by Carol Ann Duffy. Using our amazing green screen, the children were able to each tell a verse with the image of the film behind them. I hope that you enjoy it. The children have really brought the story to life.

Celebrating Learners

At the end of each half term, the children vote for their learners of the half term. This focus was on progress. Who has really flown in Year 6 and who has made significant progress. Today, we had 4 children who were celebrated and we are incredibly proud of them all.

Well done Lila, Laura, Chloe and Leo! It is extra special being voted for by your classmates.

I also want to congratulate Evelin on her resilience this half term. It is hard to be absent from school but she always has a smile on her face and our class is a poorer place when she is not there.

After half term, the children will be allowed to bring pencil cases in from home, but they will have to remain in school and not be taken away. I have asked the children to be sensible and their pencil cases must be wipeable. Please keep the contents to a minimum. I know the children will be really sensible with this and nothing furry or huge will enter the classroom.


We have only been so successful this half term because our community has worked together to keep everyone safe. Thank you, wonderful parents, for your constant support and for encouraging your children the way that you do. They are true gifts from God. Please keep safe over the Christmas holidays and look after each other. Have a rest and enjoy the festive season with your families.

Thank you for all of the kind emails that I have received over the last few days. It has been strange not seeing you all daily, but I want to thank you for trusting me with your children. You kind words really mean an awful lot.

Have a wonderful Christmas

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster.