This week...

A big thank you to you all, we have received permission from everyone to post our Nativity on our webpage next week. This week we have been filming all the scenes both inside and in the garden as well as singing like angels around the Christmas tree! Next week, we are hoping Mrs. Gregan will help us to edit it.

I must tell you that the children have worked extremely hard by learning all their lines and songs; not to mention their acting skills. We are expecting a BAFTA at the very least. By using drama to depict the Christmas Nativity has given the children a practical understanding of the true meaning of Christmas. It is beautiful to observe the Christmas message permeate the whole of the nursery during our play and learning.

May I remind the children who are in on Friday the 11th; it will be Christmas hat day and we are asking for a £1 donation towards our collection for Brian House Children’s Hospice. Please don’t worry if Friday is not your child’s day, they can still get involved and donate £!, just wear a Christmas hat on another day.

The children have been telling us that they have been using the Purple Mash website at home. I am so please that you finding it a useful learning tool. Remember that you can save work into the trays in the Mini Mash playroom and we will be able to access your child’s learning here at nursery. We can’t wait to see what you are learning about at home.

Next week we will be focusing on shape. If you click on the button below there are some activities for you do do at home! There are lots more activities on Purple Mash, why not explore!

Finally, have a lovely weekend and wrap up warm I believe it’s going to be rather chilly!!
