While we teach children all about life, children teach us what life is all about.

Wow this week has just flown by, it has been a busy week of lots of history and delving into the tales of the slightly mischievous Brer Rabbit. We are beginning to plan for some short writing opportunities in English which I will share with you next week, I am looking forward to reading the children’s work as I have been very impressed with the sentence work we have completed so far.

After a slight delay getting to swimming this week, (I’m sure the children told you the funny story) the children got into their lesson with gusto, even in the few sessions I have observed there are lots of children making big improvements in their strokes and their stamina.

Let’s celebrate

The swimming stars this week were Olivia and Harry.

This week our yoga stars are Lily L and Harry (a great week for you Harry!)

Unfortunately, Madame Jefferson was poorly this week so there are no French stars.

Last Friday we played a fun game to continue getting to know each other, ask the children about the big tangle we got ourselves with a huge ball of wool! There was a clue for the learning behaviours I was going to focus on this week with my certificates. The children guessed correctly at Sadie Spider who shows resilience and also co-operative Roger Robin who works well with others.

So many children in our class show this on a daily basis and it makes our classroom such a great place to be. The two children who impressed me in particular are Mark and Emma.

Mark is a Sadie Spider as he has been working on forming cursive letters in our first class handwriting lesson together, he has shown resilience on the tricky letters and listens very well to feedback on how to improve, well done Mark!

Emma is a co-operative Roger Robin as she has shown such kindness to her base camp buddy, the children often work with the child they sit next to and Emma radiates patience and love. You work well with lots of children in our class and are a role model for others, thank you Emma.

Thank you, so many more children were organised with their flutes this week.

A couple of parents have mentioned uniforms and tracksuits this week  after noticing that on quite a few days that children were in PE tracksuits, don’t worry you are right. In Year 4 we are super lucky to have PE on Wednesday (Yoga), Thursday (Swimming) and Friday (Gymnastics this half term). You will all be fit as fiddles!

Thank you for another great week Year 4, I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Edmondson