'Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless' Mother Teresa

Another week that has flown by as the children have been so immersed in their learning. When I look through their books, I can’t quite believe how much work we are getting through! Mathematics has been very exciting this week, look at crossing over to the tens boundary within a 3 digit number, the children have loved problem solving with this and discussing which strategy is best to use. The children have worked hard on their sentence structure within English lessons, practicing their use of coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences and have now started to create more complex sentences.

We have continued our learning in electricity in Science this week, making circuits, exploring ways to add switches, buzzers and motors. The children have absolutely thrived during these hands on sessions. Our History kick started with a visit from emperor Claudius and they made excellent decisions when they acted as his advisers, asking the question why did the Romans invade?

It was lovely to meet with you all on Wednesday and celebrate the wonderful progress all your children have made, I am sure you are as proud of them as we are.


‘Meet the Romans’ school trip on Wednesday 12th February- please could all payments be made before 31st January.

Blue group on Thursdays 8am with Mr Nay

The awards this week go to …

James thank you for being such a Curious Clara Clown Fish, you have wowed us this week with how deep you have took your learning in Science asking all of the right questions!

Jacob O you are such a Bobby Bee in your enthusiasm and desire to learn which makes you very exciting to teach- you always show positive body language and always have a smile on your face!

Have a lovely weekend and God bless`