"Fair Padua nursery of arts" Taming of the Shrew Act 1 scene 1

I’m sure the children have already shared with you the work we have doing on the Taming of the Shrew. We have begun to stage our scenes for the performance at the Grand in March. I have to say the children have been fantastic- enthusiastic and creative!

We have explored tricky word problems in maths - introducing some proportion work and in history we have focused on aspects of Parliament and the statues in Parliament square. Other highlights of the week included our Art as we completed our wonderful 3-d sculptures, Mrs Gregan popped in to teach formatting in our computing lesson and we learnt about two inspirational saints St. Damien and St. Josephine (please ask us about them). I’m keeping this weeks reflection brief as the notes below are very important for next week.

Awards this week went to: Rhys and Leila

WEDNESDAY- the children will be joining the “love your beach” team down at the dunes on Wednesday to help preserve them. Please bring old clothes to change into- plus trainers for the long walk and warm coat hats and scarves may be needed. We will have an early dinner and spend the afternoon away. We will return for 3:10pm. Drinks and snacks at the beach are provided.

FRIDAY- LONDON Please remember the following:

Please be at school just before 7am

Food and drink: Please ensure your child has a substantial packed lunch. They will need two drinks (minimum- no fizzy) more if they are happy to carry them. The children will be able to eat snacks on the train (both ways) and in the parks. Please make sure that snacks are healthy. I always take three bananas and these keep me going! Full School tracksuit (jumper with logo). Waterproof coat and very comfy trainers. Rucksack will be carried all day- please make sure it is comfortable. Thank you.

No electronic equipment is to be taken. The teachers have paper and pencils for the train plus playing cards. Reading books can be brought if your child is not travel sick- please take note of size as it will be carried.

If your child suffers from motion sickness and you usually administer medicine a teacher will need to do this for the return trip could you please drop the medicine into Mrs Hotchkiss or Mrs Hodges no later than Wednesday with written permission and instructions.

Return 8:45pm

Saturday - please leave in bed for good rest!!

We will be texting and posting pictures on the website throughout the day.

Thank you!!