Year 5 homework for the half term holiday!


Please ensure your child reads throughout the holiday. Moving forwards not standing still!


We are studying multiplies and factors in maths - we need to master all those table facts. It is clear that some of us are just rusty and others need to train their memory. Research tells us that to retain number facts we have to be able to retrieve them quickly from our long term memory- pulling them into our working memory. To do this we have to practice daily- once a week just doesn’t have an impact. I have shown the children the “Maths Trainer”- this interactive program gives the child quick fire table facts over a set time 1, 2 or 5 mins. It is intuitive if they get it wrong it will continue to ask them until they self correct. I have attached a little visual guide here- I have also shown the children in class.

I can tell who is mastering them and who needs to practice, practice, practice!

Have a lovely holiday!