'The only time that we have no opportunities, is when we choose not to take them.'


What a way to finish the half term - an inspirational visit from a Paralympic star. We could not help but be inspired by Craig’s story and how he overcame a diagnosis that changed his dreams. The children were full of enthusiasm and excitement completing a fitness class in the morning, before joining the rest of the school to listen to Craig and the lessons that we can learn from him. Craig made us promise that we were all to take any opportunity that will come our way - who knows what we can achieve. In the afternoon, we continued to take part in all of our sporting activities, completing the 400m and the vortex howler! Sport can open so many doors and teach us so many lessons - I think we have all learnt something from this day. A special thank you to our sport captains and leaders who supported the school during the day. They led activities, cheered each other on, took photographs and showed wonderful organisation skills. Thank you so much children.

Online Safety Day - Free to be me

I could not have been prouder of the digital leaders on Tuesday as they visited each class to help educate the children in our school on how to be safe online. The theme for the day was about being ourselves and not having to change too much whilst online. We discussed how using an avatar of yourself online, is better than a photo and can keep us much safer. The children celebrated their identities and what makes them different and unique. Please visit the online safety page on the website to see the video that our digital leaders put together.


In amongst all of the excitement of our visitors and the online safety day, we have packed learning into each day. Myself and Mrs Webster loved reading the passionate letters that the children wrote for homework, from the perspective of PL Travers. If I was Walt Disney, I would be quaking in my boots! We edited and improved them before rewriting them. I cannot read the final versions over half term. In maths, we have continued to look at fractions; comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting them. The children are tackling these head on!

Water Parks

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting on Tuesday evening, I hope you found it informative. I have attached the presentation below for you to look at again. Could any outstanding medical forms be returned after half term? Thank you

Celebrating each other…

At the end of each half term, the children vote for the learners who they want to celebrate. I asked them to consider people who light up and radiate our classroom and someone for progress. Congratulations to Marwa, Maryann and Pedro. The other children said such beautiful things about each of the children, please read their certificates below.

Mock week of assessments…

I have slightly changed the mock week for when we get back due to Ash Wednesday mass and I am out on a course too. So, the first week back we will focus on English and the second week back, we will focus on Maths.

Week 1:

Monday - Grammar and Spelling

Tuesday - Reading

Week 2:

Monday - Arithmetics and Maths Reasoning A

Tuesday - Maths Reasoning B

Have a lovely week on holiday. Please encourage your child to revise where needed ready for the first week back. Success is always about effort…the more that goes in, the better the children will feel. Find time to relax and celebrate the year that the children have had already.

Mrs Gregan & Mrs Webster