"Rest is as important as working hard"

The half term holidays have arrived and my goodness, the children most definitely deserve a break! This week has been an incredibly busy one, with lessons changing a little due to Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and our visit from Paralympian Craig McCann yesterday.

Safer Internet Day is always great, as it gives us all time to stop, discuss and really think carefully about how we are using technology and how we can keep ourselves safe whilst doing so. This year we looked closely at our online identity and what this looks like for each of us. We then thought about the digital footprint we create whilst using technology. I really do encourage much more conversation around this at home as it such a current but important topic. Children are using technology and devices much more in their daily lives, and it is up to all of us to help and educate them into using these amazing learning platforms safely and appropriately.

I know that, like myself, the children found the sessions with Paralympian Craig McCann truly inspirational yesterday morning. The enthusiasm in the hall whilst the class completed their four athletic challenges was a joy to witness and the encouragement given to others was a delight. Craig then led an assembly and told us all about his hopes, dreams and challenges he has had to overcome in his life to help him to get to where he is now. He left us all with one simple message - never turn down an opportunity given to you, it may never come round again!

In amongst all of these different activities, the children have also completed superb learning in usual lessons. The class have finally finished writing their own Frog and Toad adventures in English and began looking at the new topic of shape in maths.

I hope that you all have a wonderful break and manage to spend some quality time together as families. Have fun and stay safe.

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly

Let’s Celebrate

Harry, you have been a real enthusiastic learner this week. Your imagination has run wild in English and your adventure story is full of exciting ideas. You have also been extremely focused and determined in Maths. Well done Harry!

Edi, you are always ready to learn every single day. You have been such a role model in the classroom this week and your focus has really shone through in your work, especially your creative writing. Well done!


We return back to school on Monday 24th February at the normal time of 8:45am.

Please don’t forget that on Tuesday 25th February, the children are taking part in a mini first aid course as part of their Florence Nightingale learning. A fee of £2 should be paid via ParentPay. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On Wednesday 26th February we will be going to church for the Ash Wednesday service. We will be leaving school at 9:30am and will return back to school no later than 11am. If you are able to walk to and from church with us on this day, please let me know at the door. Thank you in advance.