The Shakespeare Play Making Festival Next Week- WEEKEND UPDATE

Dear parents- I have updated a few of the details below. I’m keeping this blog over the weekend and into next week so you can quickly find out what we are doing everyday. Please make sure you read the homework too as the children have two lines to learn for the finale.



For the rehearsals and the performances the children will need a black base layer. This means a black top (if your child is a weight lifter long sleeves would be ideal but not essential) and black leggings or black tracksuit bottoms, dark trainers/shoe and BLACK SOCKS. We have chatted about covering logos - fabric plasters coloured black are a great idea. The children with main parts will be given a t-shirt of a set colour to distinguish them as that character as the other schools take over each part of the play- although these children also need a black t-shirt. Please bring your black outfit for the practice in on MONDAY.

On WEDNESDAY 4th MARCH we will l be leaving school on a coach at 8:30am prompt. The children will need to arrive early at 8:20am - I will be waiting for them in class. We will take part in a technical rehearsal with the stage managing staff at The Grand between 9:15 and 10:30am. We will then return to school on the coach arriving back at approximately 11:30pm. The children will need to be in costume for the day (see above) and will be responsible for their own props and their reading books (taken in bags).

THURSDAY 5th MARCH PERFORMANCE DAY- The children will be leaving school again early about 8:40am- the class will be open from 8:30am. On this day the children will need to take their lunch box (children on school meals will be provided with a school pack lunch), snacks, water bottle, pencil case, wet play books and reading books. They will also be responsible for their props carrying everything in their school bag. We will take part in a full dress rehearsal in the morning with the other schools then break for lunch before we perform for a live audience at 1:30pm. After the afternoon show the children will need a break and tea. They will be waiting outside the The Body Shop next to The Grand at 2:45pm- for pick up. If you have a younger child at school you may come early and pick them up at 2pm , hopefully this will make things easier. The children then need to return at 5:00pm to the Body Shop to meet me prompt for warm up before our evening performance at 6:00pm.

If you intend to pick up your younger child please let me know on Monday so I can make a list and inform the other staff. Please come to the front of school on Thursday at 2pm and the children will be waiting there.

PLEASE come along and watch this performance and then pick them up after outside The Body Shop at 7:45pm

Thank you for your help and support, if you can come together to help with the 2:45pm tea and turn around I’m sure we can do it! The children have really poured their hearts and souls into this - they really do love Shakespeare- in fact just this week they made me promise to do a week on Hamlet before they get to Year 6. Talking of Year 6 Mrs Gregan will be bringing the class along on Thursday for the afternoon performance.

Finally, we have not requested payment for the coaches for this trip but because we are using a coach on both Wednesday and Thursday we would like to request a donation of £5 to help to cover the cost. This would be much appreciated- please see Parent Pay

Press below for a link to The Grand ticket office

Have a lovely weekend!