"Sometimes when we are generous in small detectable ways, it can change someone else's life forever"- Margaret Cho

It has been so lovely to see all the children return to school this week with an air of love, generosity and gratefulness. The ladies have witnessed children be selfless by doing random acts of kindness towards each other and members of staff.

Mr Nay has continued to deliver sporting activities such as, rounders, football, archery and athletics. My Nay is getting incredibly excited for up and coming events as the children have made so much progress this year.

Year 6 have continued to run Library and Purple Mash clubs for the start of this half term. Next week, we will be discovering what plans they have to provide yet more exciting activities for the children to enjoy and sample for the coming weeks.

Table of the Week: Keystage 1, Plessington and Marsden. Well done to both houses for being such wonderful role models. Keystage 2; Harcourt and Bamber, Well done to you both for being just simply delightful in the dining hall and outside.

Role Models of the Week: Keystage 1; Millie Y2 and Sean Reception. Keystage 2; Ethan Y6 and Zofia Y5. Well done and thank you so much for being such lovely role models to your peers.

Jaqui’s Marvellous Manners: Keystage1, Hudson, Reception and Esther Y1. Keystage 2, Amber Y6 and Mason Y3. thank you children for following this terms virtues of being both grateful and generous. Well done to you all.

Finally, with the weekend approaching, along with more poor weather, I am happy to say that there are glimmers of spring with in the school grounds. So here’s hoping for a break in the weather!

Have a lovely weekend.

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team