What a fabulous week we have had. It has absolutely flown by and I can’t believe we have been back a week already. Mrs Harrison is so proud to hear that they have come back to school so focused and ready to work — and work we have!!!
This half term we are focusing on the virtues of generosity and gratitude. We have been thinking about all of the ways that we can be generous and we have realised that being generous with our time and our love and kindness is really important and something that we can all try hard to improve upon. We have also looked at how we can be grateful for all of the little things that happen every day.
This week we have started our new novel, ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Already we have asked a multitude of questions about what we are wondering about the text, drawn annotated diagrams, written a brief description about where we think the Iron Man came from and how he arrived, found exciting description in the text and thought about our own vocabulary and description linking to the text, and we have only read chapter 1 so far! It’s so exciting and we are really curious to find out more. In maths we have continued our work on addition and subtraction using 3 digit numbers. We have finished off our Roman topic, investigating roads and also thinking about the reasons why the Roman Empire came to an end. In RE we have thought about what Lent is and how we can try to change during Lent to become more like Jesus, we have linked this to the topic of reconciliation and our preparation to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We have all made our own Lenten Promise which we are going to try hard to keep to throughout Lent. (Can you guess what their Lenten Promise is? Have you noticed any extra jobs being done around the house these last couple of days?)
Today in Class Council we have discussed ways that we could help others during Lent. We have written our Lenten Promises, started to pray for our Prayer Sponsors and thought about how we can raise money to give to others who are less fortunate. This year, as a school, we are raising money for CAFOD. We have thought about all the extra jobs that we could try to do at home and wondered if maybe we could ask for small amounts in payment for these jobs so that we could then give the money to CAFOD. As a family could you please discuss this and agree on a list of jobs and a price list for these jobs. We have thought about jobs like tidying up, making the beds, loading the dishwasher/washing up, vacuuming the carpets, dusting, mopping, sorting out the recycling and taking out the rubbish but we are sure that you could think of lots more as a family. It was also suggested a lovely massage for mum (or dad) and baking biscuits to sell to friends and family, and bringing in that money. We hope that you will enjoy sharing your ideas as a family and working together to help others in need.
This week the extra challenge is to make everyone’s bed for 20p.
Please could money for jobs done each week be brought into school and we will complete a donation chart showing what we have raised as a class. Many thanks in anticipation.
This week the children have all worked hard and we are delighted to give the certificates to… Jayden and Olivia. Well done children.
Olivia received the Kiki Chameleon Certificate for being such a creative learner. You have such lovely ideas Olivia and you choose your vocabulary and description carefully to entertain the reader. Well done!
Jayden received the Cooper Crab Certificate for concentrating so hard this week and for being such a focused learner. Well done Jayden—keep up the good work!
We are also very pleased that Jayden was awarded the French Award for the week. Madame Jefferson was very proud of your super conversation in French and your focus and enthusiasm during the lesson.
Well done also to Abi and Isabella who were our Gym Stars this week. Your creativity and determination really do help you to learn and achieve.
Welcome Mass on Sunday morning (9:30am) for all those who are taking part in the Holy Communion programme.
Friday morning Lenten Masses start next week at 8am. Please try to come along and share this special time of prayer with us.
White group have 2 more weeks of Multiskills on a Thursday morning. 8am with Mr Nay.
Preparation for Reconciliation, Tuesday afternoons after school until 4:45pm. Please remember to bring your “Called to Change” books back to the session with you.
Just to clarify—PE days are back to Tuesdays and Wednesdays and PE kit can be worn all day on these days. Please could we have shorts for our indoor lesson on Wednesday? Thank you
Also just a reminder that full school uniform or school PE kit should be worn each day, so that the children show that they are proud to belong to our lovely school family. Many thanks. (We are getting some deviation from this both in uniform and PE kit which does not look as smart as our uniform worn proudly does.)
Have a lovely weekend. God Bless. See you on Sunday!
The Year 3 Team