Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.

Welcome back to Spring 2 half term

We have hit the ground running and jumped straight back into the swing of things after our week off, the children all sound like they’ve had a lovely week at home. I too am well rested and ready for lots more fun and learning.

On Wednesday we started Lent with a lovely service at church, the children’s behaviour was great and it was a peaceful time to think about the special time we are leading towards. When we returned to school we looked at our two new virtues for this half term ‘generous’ and ‘grateful’, we shared lots of quotes and reflected on which gave us the most inspiration. The children and I liked the simplicity of this ‘I will always remember how you made me feel. Thank you for being so kind.’ My teacher worship this week was also about spotting children who are silently doing kind things without the need for telling people about it. ’The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward.’ I must admit I laughed at this one ‘The thing I’m most grateful for is elastic waistbands.’ Thanks to Miss Hornby for making me smile with that one!

As part of our alms giving we will be collecting money for CAFOD and within classes children will be challenged to do ‘little acts of kindness’ at home generously sharing their time and love with their families. Each class will be setting weekly challenges hoping that each child can contribute to the class collections. I’m sure there are many suggestions you can give them to help family with jobs and duties in exchange for small donations.

Our Easter egg raffle will also take place this half term and once again all money raised will go to supporting the inspirational work which is carried out at Brian House in Blackpool. We will begin our collection of eggs on March the 23rd. I am a big chocolate fan and always used to look forward to this when I was teaching at our school a few years ago! A big thank you in anticipation of your generous support.

Let’s celebrate

Swimming stars—Mark and Penny

Yoga stars—We did not have yoga this week as we were at church for the Ash Wednesday service instead.

French Stars— Madame Jefferson will be choosing four French stars next week.

Lots of children came back to school ready and raring to go, I was particularly impressed with Ava and Elise as their attitudes to learning and their work are fantastic.

Elise is our creative Kiki Chameleon because her creative writing is excellent, she has a natural flair for fictional writing but she also listens to models I give her and uses structures shown to her to make her work even better. Her character description she write this week is excellent.

Ava was chosen as  our reflective Lizzie Ladybird as she is very skilled at thinking about her own learning and listening to feedback to improve her understanding and her progress. She is an excellent listener and I can tell she uses ideas given to her to ensure all her work is of a very high standard.

Things to remember

Please be at school for 8.30am ready for swimming on Thursdays.

Homework is to be handed in on Thursdays please.