Home Learning - Wednesday 5th February 2020

Spelling - words ending tious and cial and tial

cautious, infectious, ambitious, superstitious, nutritious, scrumptious, fictitious, official, special, artificial, financial, partial, essential, initial, social

Maths - Complete the two pages of reasoning questions.

English - ~To write a letter of complaint in role as PL Travers to Walt Disney. Click on the task below to find the toolkit and planning information that we discussed in class.

Think about how PL Travers would speak and what she would say in her letter to Walt Disney. What was she unhappy with? Remember to be respectful of Walt but firm in your complaint. This is a formal piece of writing, therefore the language that you use should demonstrate that. Think about the requirements of a Year 6 writer and your previous targets. How can you ensure that you are including and evidencing them in this piece?